4 Preface
By Klaus Schwab
6 Executive Summary
8 Introduction
11 Box 1.1: Methodology of The Global Risks Report
14 Box 1.2: The Paris Agreement: A Historic Turning
Point on Climate Change
16 Box 1.3: Refugees in Malaysia
17 Box 1.4: China’s Financial Vulnerabilities and the
Transition to the New Normal
19 Box 1.5: Pathways to Resilience: Effective
Leadership and Institutional Values
24 Box 2.1: International Security Defined
25 Box 2.2: A Deep-Dive into International Security
27 Box 2.3: Public-Private Collaboration in Complex
29 Box 2.4: The Seven Driving Forces of International
30 Box 2.5: Scenarios Methodology
39 3.1 (Dis)Empowered Citizen
40 Box 3.1.1: The (Dis)Empowered Citizen:
A Definition
42 Box 3.1.2: Digital Government Technologies:
The (Persisting) Challenges of Inclusiveness and Engagement
50 3.2 Climate Change and Risks to Food Security
52 Box 3.2.1: Adaptation and Its Limits
53 Box 3.2.2: Reducing Food Waste
59 3.3 Global Disease Outbreaks
61 Box 3.3.1: Health Communication
62 Box 3.3.2: Developing an Ebola Vaccine:Reflections on the Current Regulatory
63 Box 3.3.3: The Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF)
69 Box 4.1: The World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey
84 Appendices
85 Appendix A: Description of Global Risks and Trends 2016
88 Appendix B: Global Risks Perception Survey and Methodology 2015
90 Appendix C: The Executive and Opinion Survey 2015:
Views of the Business Community on the Global Risks of Highest Concern for Doing Business
92 Acknowledgements